I have been developing a relationship with the Chopin Project which is developing a larger presence in the Sarasota and St. Petersburg Areas. As a result of this relationship, SCF receives two important benefits: 1) Paid tickets to classical concerts in both Sarasota and St. Petersburg. 2) Masterclasses with performers visiting the area for Chopin Project concerts.
This was the first of hopefully many such masterclasses. We had 3 students prepared to perform:
- Cayden Smith on piano
- Catherine Kruass on violin
- Alexander Grubbs on piano.
Both Mathew Graybil and Rhiannon Banderdt had the opportunity to work with our students while the rest of the students observed. The masterclass was quite successful, especially with the piano students. Matthew Graybil is not only an excellent pianist, but also sensitive, helpful, and informative with students.