- Finished work on Moodle Connect. Completed login function. Finished checks for which type of user is registering so only new prospective students are registered into moodle and the theory test.
- Added new column in admin/users for connecting and disconnecting users from Moodle as an admin. This involved creating the columns, adding the content to the columns based on user’s connection to moodle, adding javascript listeners for clicks to connect/disconnect users via ajax, admin-ajax functions to make the connections and return success or errors, and responses to load the new html into the table without reloading the page. Improved error-handling in most moodle-related functions.
- Double-checked that users can access profile and logout buttons via the menus.
- Added options page for moodle including a list of moodle courses and ids, and an entry for the theory test course id, which is used anywhere in the site we need to access the test.
- Added data-check to options subpage for prospective students and full-time faculty who are not connected to Moodle. Data search returns the errors if missing and creates a button to fix. Attached to each button (and those loaded dynamically) an ajax function to connect the user to Moodle and enroll in the theory test. The return then replaces the error and displays a success message.
- Wrote a script that loads in the iframe document via the moustache layout. This script resizes the iframe in the parent document on every new page in the theory test. This solves the problem of endless scrolling page as well as all popups in the test that center in the PAGE, not the VIEWPORT.
- Mass-edited all theory test questions (all 6000+ of them!) so all assets refer to the new URLs on the new site. Uploaded all questions and made sure they were sorted into the proper categories.
- Copied all assets to the new site.
- Created the theory test from scratch again just to make sure it all works. Test out as a pstudent.
- Wrote function to get student grade from Moodle and display on the prospective student’s checklist. Edited the prospective student’s checklist page to use the new function and display correctly.
- Wrote function to get all grades and display on faculty theory test gradebook page. Edited the theory test gradebook page to use the new function and display correctly.
- Pushed all Theory Placement Test changes and updates to the live server. Amazing how everything can work perfectly on a test server and then when pushed to the production server all sorts of errors pop up! This took 2 evenings to complete.
- Fixed Recital hour programs to display instrument label correctly.
- Fixed an issue where faculty emails were stilled addressed to first/last names instead of Dear Title Last_name.
- Fixed a bug where notes were not being saved when students sign up for recital hour. Emailed any students with current signups missing notes.
- Came home early to work on Version 2 of the website (A Huge overhaul), but found out reminder emails weren’t being sent. I spent a few hours trying to track down an error, but in the end it was because the other faculty emails had not been approved on elasticemail, so it was refusing to send emails related to any of their events. If only they had a log system I could have saved a few hours!