I was asked to present alongside the developers of Piano Marvel, a curricular technology I instituted for Class Piano I and II. I have been in a lot of contact with the developers, giving feedback and asking for improvements. This led to them asking me to present at the MTNA conference in Orlando. SPD funds were used to attend this 5-day conference where I attended many sessions in addition to presenting.
I was specifically asked to address the use of the SASR, or Standard Assessment of Sight Reading, in classes. I spoke about the use of the Piano Marvel technology and it’s ability to give immediate feedback and assessment to students in a numerical form. This has proven to be very useful to students, providing motivation and a method of assessment. As an instructor, it allows me the freedom to move among the students and assist more personally with student’s individual needs.
I forgot to ask someone to take pictures during the presentation, but these are photos from other presentations during the conference. There were a lot more people at the Piano Marvel presentation!