The most efficient code is custom code…
Not necessarily the most practical, but often the most efficient.
Don has been writing code since the mid-1990s, beginning with Java, then HTML and javascript. His first projects added php, CSS and jQuery. While unable to attend courses for coding, he approached each language with the tenacity of a serious student, using textbooks and following a structured pedagogy. He also studied Python and C+ and most recently became familiar with Node and SASS compiling.
Each coding project has been a response to a specific need and success has been measured by the way the project met the need. Most projects result in a web app or other embedded web-delivered content and rely heavily php, javascript, jQuery, and Foundation.
Many projects involved delivering musical content, and Don has also supervised the creation of tens of thousands of music content files. To accomplish this efficiently, he used Finale, professional music sample libraries like East West Symphonic Orchestra, Audacity, and the automation capabilities of MacOS.