
The Bryn Dictation App

Select the section you would like to practice.


Selection Page:

Navigate to find the section, page, or quiz you would like to complete.
(You can click on the types of dictation to see the sections)

When you make your selection, the dictation page will load, but you will see only one question at a time.

Dictation Page:

1) You can print out all of the questions by clicking the print icon.

2) Select the tempo you would like to use for practice.

3) To hear reference notes for melodic or rhythmic dictation, click "Tonic" or "Scale".

4) Click the instrument you would like to hear.

5) For triple and Quadruple meters, you will hear one measure of click.
for duple meters, you will hear two measures of click.

6) After you have completed the dictation, click the "Show Answer" button to check your work.

If you find an error, please email the details about the error to Mr. Bryn.